What are the criteria to select health and safety consultants?

Many small businesses reach a point in their growth when the need for Health and Safety Consultants becomes essential. The reason may vary according to the situation; it may be company reaches specific critical points that trigger legislative requirements, the manager simply no longer has the time due to the business's overall growth or simply because as the company grows, health and safety questions become more complex.

So how do we get the decision right while hiring them?

  • Qualifications and competence: Only exams and certificates are not the only factors they tend to be good at. Many have all the papers but lack the world experience. The term health and safety consultant is not protected in any of the industrial notions; thus, too many people with business cards and websites appear as experts.
  • Experience: Along with qualification, it is another must-have. Fresh faces just out of the colleges may have a bright future, but minimal expertise to be a valuable consultant.
  • Sector Knowledge: It is always helpful when the consultant can speak about your industry from the beginning. But equally, a good consultant has seen a wide variety of workplaces over the years.
  • Fear: The moment a consultant uses fear to sell walk away, anyone who talks about jails, fines as the only justification for using them is struggling. A good safety advisor will guide you through a broader set of reasons.


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